I’ve been seeing these Chanel flower vases all over the internet recently so I decided I finally had to make one! It’s such a simple way to add some glam to any space and it’s so easy to customize to fit the color scheme of a room (bonus: it’s also cheap to make!). My best friend and I are getting an apartment soon and for our living room we plan to do a minimalist color scheme; the main colors will be black, white, and grey but we’ll have some gold accents to add a pop of color. We made this DIY Chanel vase with our room theme in mind and we couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!

What you’ll need:
- clear square flower vase
- rocks*
- fake flowers*
- card stock paper*
- letter stickers*
- hot glue gun
- ruler
- wire cutters
*pick colors that will match the color scheme of the room you plan to put this in!
Step 1: First, measure the width of your vase. You’ll want the logo to be centered, so figure out how much space you want on each side of it. For example, our vase was about 3 and ½ inches wide, so we made the card stock about 1 and ¾ inches wide. For the height of the card stock, measure the height of the capital “C” letter (at its highest point) from the sticker pack you chose. Our letter was 1 and ¼ inches tall, and I left a 1/8 of an inch margin around the top and bottom of the letter. Overall, our card stock cutout measured 1 and ¾ inches wide by 1 and ½ inches tall. If you have a larger vase, I recommend getting larger letters and making the card stock fairly large so that the logo is proportionate to the size of the vase.

Step 2: Once you’ve cut out your card stock, you can assemble the logo. To do this, simply take the two “C” letter stickers and flip one upside-down. Overlap them slightly to create the Chanel logo. Once you have your logo made, stick it onto the center of your card stock. You can use glue or Mod Podge as needed to more permanently stick the letters onto the card stock.
Step 3: Wipe down the front of your vase to get off any extra dust or oils that may prevent the glue from sticking. Then put a little bit of hot glue on the back of your card stock and place it onto the center of the vase and let it dry for a few minutes.
Step 4: Now for the fun part: filling the vase! With the colored rocks that you chose, slowly start to fill the vase. We filled ours a little less than halfway, but you can fill it as much or as little as you choose. Next, cut the stems of your fake flowers to better fit your vase. Wire cutters are extremely helpful here because most fake flowers have wire in the stems that can be hard to cut with regular scissors. Now all you have to do is arrange the flowers to your liking and then you’re done!

Thanks for making this fun room decor DIY with me! I love how simple and cheap this was to make, yet it looks so intricate and expensive. I’d love to see how your vase turned out, so send me a pic of it and let me know what other DIYs you’d like to see in the future! If you have any questions or comments on this DIY, please leave them in the comments section below. See ya next Friday!
Crafty Fashionista